TikTok Influencers Launch 'the Crib Around the Corner' Content House

Posted by Lashay Rain on Thursday, April 18, 2024

A slew of social-media stars have flocked to Los Angeles to build careers in the entertainment industry. Many are bunking together in "collab" houses so they can work together on videos and cross-promote each other's accounts.

The newest house on the scene, The Crib Around the Corner, features seven Black creators who have a combined following of over 20 million on TikTok: Challan Trishann (22 years old), Layla Qasim (19), Dare Ajibare (23), Stacy Thiru (21), Dan Muthama (22), Meish Bailey (18), and Everett Noble (19).

As many TikTok creators have found fame through viral dances and trends, the members of TCATC have gained fans by making comedy videos and skits. They are a part of a growing comedy-house scene that includes houses like The Pound and The Honey House. Rather than learn dances or record trends in front of a ring light, the group plans to write skits and produce content together once they all move into the mansion later this month.

Meish Bailey. Meish Bailey/Whalar.

"It's kind of exciting coming together because we are going to make sketches, a miniseries, and see how we can grow our audience," Bailey told Insider.

Aside from comedy, group members like Trishann, Qasim, and Thiru are also known for their viral makeup tutorials and for sharing fashion content.

LA has become a center for creator houses, and new influencer mansions have continued to pop up despite the pandemic. The group's new house is lavish, a multimillion-dollar mansion that features an outdoor swimming pool, a gym and weight room, and a balcony with expansive views of the city. 

Read more: EXCLUSIVE: An interactive database of the top influencer mansions and who lives in them

The Crib Around The Corner

The Crib Around the Corner brings more diversity to LA's largely white influencer culture, as it features a star-studded cast of Black creators who are backed by the influencer agency Whalar and talent-management company Thirteenth.

"What we want to do is basically bring more attention to Black creators and people who don't get recognition on big apps like TikTok and stuff like that, and let them get credit for the work that they put out," Thiru said.

Other Black creators have launched similar efforts in recent months, with two Atlanta groups, Collab Crib and Valid Crib, opening content houses at the end of 2020.

Launching a creator house is a business venture as much as it is a creative outlet.

In addition to managing the group, Whalar and its partner Thirteenth are negotiating sponsorship deals for TCATC's stars. By tapping into the two companies' existing brand relationships, the group has advocates to help negotiate brand deals in an industry that has historically underpaid and often ignored Black creators.

"From day one of launch, there's an idea not only from a content perspective but also from a brand perspective of how we can integrate them and really provide ample opportunities for these creators," Thirteenth founder Ogo Akamelu (who is known professionally by his first name) said.

Akamelu previously handled housewide partnerships for The House That Nobody Asked For (which came to an end in December) and secured brand deals with the likes of Chipotle and Tinder while that house was running.

"What's been so encouraging is to see how many giant brands are actually interested in not only engaging with these creators and their audiences but paying them fairly and equitably," Karyn Spencer, Whalar's chief marketing officer, said.

The team recently secured a brand sponsor for the house, which they said will be announced soon. They're also offering advertisers the option to sponsor additional content and place products like clothing, makeup and lifestyle enhancements that could serve as backdrops within the house, Whalar said.

Dare Ajibare. Dare Ajibare/Whalar.

"The intention is to treat the creators very equitably in the house, so the house deals will be split equally amongst them," Spencer said. "There will likely be individual deals made because of their particular relevance to an individual creator."

Securing sponsorships for a content house is a common practice. 

Members of the TikTok group Sway House moved into a mansion provided by the short-form-video app Triller. Residents of Collab Crib teamed up with Cash App and Dubsmash for the launch of their house. 

Relying on comedy and the content-planning process

In preparation for the launch, the group has been meeting virtually about once a week to discuss the type of content they want to make, as well as ideas for the house introduction. They created a Google Doc where they'll go back and forth on ideas and plans.

The group said they generally don't use ring lights. Instead, Bailey told Insider he had invested in equipment like soft-box lights, studio lights, and shotgun microphones to help filter out any background noise.

Everett Noble. Everett Noble/Whalar.

"I film for hours," Trishann said. "A lot of effort and time does go into a short video, and there's a lot going on in the background." 

The process behind filming a skit includes planning an appropriate time in the day to film to avoid background noise, foot traffic, and real traffic, the group told Insider. Some clips can take up to four hours to film and an additional hour or more to edit.

Aside from TikTok, the creators also post content on Instagram, Twitch, and YouTube. 

The Crib Around The Corner

Launching a content house during a pandemic requires careful planning

Starting a collab house during a pandemic is tricky. Some other groups that have tried to launch houses in the past year have had to put their plans on pause.

The seven members of TCATC — who hail from across the country — are quarantining and getting tested before they move into the house, Spencer said. They'll form a pod, getting tested regularly and interacting only with outsiders who have been confirmed to be COVID-19 negative within 72 hours.

Stacy Thiru. Stacy Thiru/Whalar.

In its pitch to brands, the group says it will highlight COVID-19-safe practices in videos, like wearing a mask and getting tested.

"The house they'll be in has an expansive yard and a lot of outdoor area, so we anticipate having a few special celebrity guest stars in and out in a very safe manner," Spencer said. "We'll follow the traditional Hollywood production rules for that."

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