Best and Worst Sign Matches

Posted by Lashay Rain on Saturday, April 6, 2024

A fire sign ruled by the luminous sun, Leos are confident, passionate, fun-loving, joyful, positive, bold, and, yep, somewhat theatrical at times. When they love someone, they're loyal, generous cheerleaders who take a ton of pleasure in showering their VIPs with luxe gifts and emotional warmth.

Because they're the ruler of the fifth house of romance and self-expression, Leos innately tap into the power of their creative voice and inspire others to do the same. The Lion exudes playfulness and is a major flirt who sees themselves cast as the romantic lead in the cinematic story of their own life. If you're similarly life-loving, sunny, and action-oriented, you'll likely get along with a Leo.

Here is Leo's compatibility with all 12 signs of the zodiac.

Leo and Aries

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, and a cardinal fire sign trines with Leo, which means it's four signs apart and can make for one of the most organic, passionate, well-matched pairings in the zodiac. Both fire signs are adventurers who are driven to make big moves to ensure their ambitious visions become a reality. They're also similarly competitive and prefer to move through life quickly. However, because they can both be domineering and set on calling the shots, they'll need to learn how to take turns to ensure harmony.

Leo and Taurus

Taurus, the fixed earth sign, and Leo are square, or three signs apart, from one another, which can be a challenging but potentially activating angle. Both fixed signs are endlessly loyal to their nearest and dearest and value comfort, luxury, and security. However, their shared fixed nature means that while neither has a problem being resolute, they're both apt to dig their heels in, refusing to budge once they've taken a stance. Lacking flexibility and the ability to compromise, these two could find that obstinance takes a toll on a heartfelt bond.

Leo and Gemini

Leo is sextile, or two signs apart, from mutable air sign Gemini, which makes for a natural, harmonious connection. The Lion and the Twins share an innate playfulness, curiosity, optimistic outlook, and appetite for socializing. They could run into trouble when it comes to expressing their emotions, as mentally-charged, Mercury-ruled Gemini tends to intellectualize their feelings while Leo lets their heart lead the way. While Gemini's analytical brain could occasionally clash with Leo's preference to just go for it, this duo can be an adventurous, communicative pair.

Leo and Cancer

Leo is semisextile, or one sign apart, from the intuitive, sensitive water sign Cancer, which could create a slightly rocky road paved by differing views and priorities. Crabs not only see but also feel all the shades of happiness, sadness, and everything in between, while the dynamic, spotlight-loving Lion is perpetually optimistic and confident, preferring to see the bright side of any situation. Nonetheless, both are loyal, heartfelt, and in love with love, which can serve as lasting fuel for their bond.

Leo and Leo — Ideal Match

Believe it or not, one of Leo's most compatible signs is ... another Leo! Two Leos (like Bennifer), each interested in perpetually nurturing and adoring their loved ones with their special brand of sparkly, sunny warmth, can forge a sexy and deeply romantic bond with one another. This passionate pair likely speaks the same love language, treating one another to luxurious, romantic getaways, gasp-worthy date nights, and plenty of words of affirmation. Things could get tricky if they're both being true to their fixed nature and dig their heels in during a disagreement or end up competing for the exact same spotlight.

Leo and Virgo

Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac and the mutable earth sign, is semisextile, or one sign apart from Leo, which might make for a bit of bumpiness because they have slightly different perspectives and priorities. While action-oriented Leo prefers to prowl, roar, and stalk down any objective in a dynamic, take-charge way, mutable, Mercury-ruled Virgo is all about researching and gathering the most pertinent details before making a move. That pace — and Virgo's mutable indecisiveness — can frustrate a go-getter Lion. But if they can be open to learning from one another's unique approach, these two can be a supremely supportive duo.

Leo and Libra — Ideal Match

Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac, and the cardinal air sign are sextile, or two signs apart from Leo, which sets up a sweet, harmonious bond. Both are head over heels for romance and seeing and being seen. One of the most well-known Leo-Libra couples: Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, a romantic, creative duo who defined roaring 1920s glamour in glitzy hot spots like Paris and Cap d'Antibes, which are practically tailored to Leo and Libra priorities — socializing, style, and love. A word of warning: Leo might get frustrated by Libra's noncommittal airiness, while Libra could be irritated by Leo's bossiness, but they'll always have a blast.

Leo and Scorpio — Problematic Pair

Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac and the fixed water sign, is square, or three signs apart from Leo, which makes for an intense, dramatic, and possibly challenging pairing. Both magnetic signs are wired to take charge and are extremely aware of their inner power, so this can result in clashing egos and willfulness. Scorp's natural possessiveness could be a turnoff to independent Leo. Nonetheless, both tend to see sex as an empowering form of self-expression, so if nothing else, a lustful physical connection can make sparks fly.

Leo and Sagittarius

Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac and the mutable fire sign, is trine, or four signs apart from Leo, making for a natural, easygoing, and symbiotic match. Buoyant, joyful, and driven, both signs want to get out and make the most of the world around them. They'll find broadening their horizons together feels truly fulfilling and serves to bolster their bond. Still, this match isn't without its possible tough spots. The Archer can be preachy, while the Lion can be domineering, so finding a way to channel that shared — but potentially conflicting — fieriness into sex or more adventure is key.

Leo and Capricorn

Capricorn, the 10th sign of the zodiac and the cardinal earth sign, is quincunx, or five signs apart from Leo, making for an awkward, uncertain connection. The Goat and the Lion are both interested in leading the charge, but they both have slightly different rationales for it. Both aim to be respected and recognized, but conservative Cap wants it for more pragmatic reasons, like a respectable portfolio. Meanwhile, showy Leo craves applause for their heart and soul. In turn, their innate needs and priorities might feel off, but there's also a lot they can teach one another.

Leo and Aquarius — Problematic Pair

Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac, and the fixed air sign are opposite, or six signs apart from Leo, setting up a yin-yang match. Ruled by revolutionary Uranus, airy Aquarius can be distant, chilly, progressive, and platonic-minded, wired to prioritize rational thought over feelings. On the other hand, Leo exudes warmth, tunes into their heart's wishes, and dreams of cinematic-level romance. The Lion also tends to be self-focused and would love to be seen as a thought leader, while the contrarian Water Bearer prefers eccentricity, abhors conformity, and prioritizes community over self. Still, each has what the other could use a bit more of, so as long as both partners give and take is on-point, their relationship could be as well.

Leo and Pisces

Pisces, the 12th sign of the zodiac and mutable water sign, is quincunx, or five signs apart from Leo, denoting a need for constant adjustment to get in sync. Ruled by dreamy Neptune, the Fish is deeply spiritual, empathic, artistic, and emotional, all of which can feel occasionally inspiring or like a wet blanket to similarly heartfelt and creative but extremely driven and action-oriented Leo. What the two have in common is their vibrant imaginations and romanticism, so they could easily get caught up in seeing an imperfect bond through the same pair of rose-colored glasses.
