Did AFC Richmond win the English Premier League?

Posted by Lorie Orum on Sunday, March 24, 2024

Ted Lasso was undoubtedly one of the best sports drama/comedy series in recent years. It not only showcased the wholesome story of the titular character and AFC Richmond, but even covered sensitive topics like mental health, anxiety, depression, and friendship. Every main character got a satisfying and befitting ending, with our loveable protagonist returning to his Kansas City home to be with his son.

Even though AFC Richmond convincingly beat West Ham United by 3-2, they came second in the league after the superteam of Manchester City.

This finale episode of Ted Lasso, titled So Long, Farewell, aired on Wednesday, May 31. It was directed by Declan Lowney and written by Brendan Hunt & Joe Kelly & Jason Sudeikis.

A brief rundown of how the story of every Ted Lasso character ended

Dissecting a 75-minute episode isn't a stroll in the park so, describing the ending of some of the main characters would do justice.

1) Ted Lasso

After bringing AFC Richmond second in the English Premier League, our beloved Mr. Lasso returned home to Kansas City, USA. The previous episode suggested that he missed his son Henry and wanted to be with him while he still could.

Henry, who is also an amateur soccer player, was seen getting coached by his father from the sidelines. Lasso even offered him the same advice he gave to his players back in England.

2) Keeley Jones

Jones had moments with both Roy and AFC Richmond player Jamie. In the previous episode, she was in bed with Roy, and he even confessed his feelings for him. Jones then had the tough task to choose between Roy and Jamie.

But in the end, she chose herself. He went back to the PR firm and took a revolutionary step forward by pitching Rebecca on kickstarting an AFC Richmond women's soccer team.

3) Nathan Shelly and Roy Kent

It's safe to say that both Nathan Shelly, aka Nate, and Roy received one of the most satisfying endings in the show. After Ted Lasso left for Kansas, Nate rejoined AFC Richmond. He even took his relationship with his girlfriend Jade ahead by introducing her to his family. The couple was last seen enjoying dinner in the restaurant Jade worked in.

As for the hotheaded Roy Kent, he became the successor for Ted Lasso by filling his shoes as the new manager of the team. With Nate as his assistant manager, he even began much-needed therapy sessions.

4) Willis Beard and Rebecca Wilton

Willis Beard, aka Coach Beard, got happily married to Jane at Stonehenge. He stayed in London and his wedding was attended by every member of the Richmond family. And surprisingly, at the wedding, Red, her new boyfriend Darren, and their new baby were also present.

As for Rebbeca, after husband Rupert Mannion ruined her reputation, the former just became stronger. She held onto her shares in the team and realized that AFC Richmond was the family she always desired for. She even won in her personal life as she reunited with the Dutchman and his daughter.

5) AFC Richmond

The future of AFC Richmond is in safe hands as Roy Kent is now the new manager of the team. The episode even saw them defeating West Ham United by 3-2 after a stunning goal by Isaac Mcadoo. Unfortunately, this victory was not enough to make them league title winners but everyone was happy.

Colin Huges reunited with his boyfriend Michel while Jamie began working on mending his relationship with his estranged father. Zoreaux decided to keep his "Zorro" persona, Obisnya went back to Nigeria to represent his country and Dani Rojas lived happily ever after with two women.

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