What's Come Out About Mister Rogers Since He Died

Posted by Lashay Rain on Wednesday, April 17, 2024

One of the saddest things you can say to someone who loves you is a true goodbye. Not "goodbye for a long time" or "maybe we won't see each other again," but a permanent, irreversible goodbye. For the person hearing it, everything starts to look and taste like tears. Months before Mister Rogers succumbed to stomach cancer, he recorded a short message for the grown-ups who watched him as children. It was the last recording he ever made at WQED studios, where Mister Rogers' Neighborhood was filmed. He never explicitly says goodbye, but you can almost feel tears of finality.

In his message Rogers tells his viewers he's proud of them and offers words of encouragement: "I know how tough it is some days to look with confidence on the months and days ahead," he says. "But I would like to tell you what I often told you when you were much younger — I like you just the way you are." He then thanks his grown-up fans who help the children in their lives feel safe and free to express themselves. The clip ends with Rogers doing what he's always done: making other people feel valued. "It's such a good feeling to know that we are lifelong friends."

He said his final goodbyes from his deathbed. Speaking with his longtime friend Pastor Bill Barker, Rogers whispered, "I love you." "Not just for me," according to Barker, "but for you and everybody else."
